Openbach Gallery
Marc Petrusa – Lionel Tritschler – Jef Magné
Initiated by Nicolas Boucher and the association Les Interactions Créatives, the exhibition was held from 26 to 30 January 2022.
Nicolas brought us together after detecting a family resemblance in our respective works.
This proximity suggested the title of the exhibition:
A kind of contemporary surrealism.
Marc … Lionel … Jef
Surrealists? …. In any case, contemporary with the questions posed by painting today.
The idea behind the exhibition was to mix the works. The three approaches, although different, complemented each other perfectly. It was sometimes difficult at first to distinguish between Jef’s diaphanous and strange universe, Lionel’s bizarre and humorous one, and my own.


(Nonne peinture plate)


(Femme horrible buste)


(Bunny en bleu)

(Athlète grec)


(Gueule cassée Pontormo)
Thanks to Nicolas Boucher and the association Les Interactions Créatives.
Galerie Openbach. 12, rue Jean-Sébastien Bach. 75013 – Paris